Member Protection Information
KBH Brumbies Hockey Club is committed to the health, safety and general well-being of all its members and participants and in providing a safe and welcoming environment.
We want to ensure safe and harassment free sport for all of our competitors, coaches, officials, administrators, volunteers and supporters.
We fully support the Hockey Australia Member Protection Policy and to that end we appoint Member Protection Information Officers (MPIO)
Member Protection Information Officers
The Club currently has three, accredited Member Protection Information Officers.
What is an MPIO?
They help ensure relevant policies and procedures are clear and accessible when they are most needed by those endeavouring to resolve issues or concerns in sport.
The role of a MPIO is to:
1. Be the First point of contact (usually) when unfair treatment occurs
2. Listens to the problem
3. Be impartial, confidential & non-directive
4. Provide information on complaint handling options (e.g.; next step)
5. Be a support person
6. Be familiar with club polices & procedures
To become an MPIO, participants must be nominated to Hockey Victoria, have completed seven online modules and participated in a 3.5 hour face-to-face training program.
Who are our MPIOs?
Jim Allen
Anna Crosswhite
Rachael Macey
Please contact feel free to contact them to discuss any issues you feel need addressing in relation to feeling unsafe, disputes or disagreements with other players, coaches or any other member of the Club.